***Please fill a form out for EACH CHILD Childs Name * First Name Last Name Childs Gender * Male Female Childs Age * Date of Birth * School Grade * Current School Grade Name of Parent * First Name Last Name Home Telephone * (###) ### #### Parent/Caregiver's Cellphone Number * (###) ### #### Street Address * City, State and Address * Home Email * Home Church VBS SCUBA T-SHIRT Check one box: YES for purchasing or NO for not purchasing Yes, I would love to purchase a VBS Scuba T-Shirt NO, I will not purchase a T-shirt, maybe next year. Youth T-Shirt Size YXS YS YM YL YXL Adult Scuba T-Shirt Small Medium Large Extra Large 2X 3x 4x add $2.00 total of $14.00 Allergies, Medical Conditons or Special Needs: * Please list all in the blank below- if your child(ren) has no health concerns, please enter NONE. In Case of an Emergency * Please list Names and Numbers Any additional information we should know about your child? Thank you for registering for VBS! We are excited you decided you wanted to come to SCUBA with us. We will see you June 10-14th. PAYMENT FOR VBS SHIRT Inquirers:Brandi VinklarekEmail: brandivinklarek2005@gmail.comPhone Number: 830-203-0892