Adult Formation

All Things Catholic

Our Catholic Community has dynamic opportunities of enrichment for men and women who want to grow in faith.  Through prayer and study we share our faith and nurture our relationship with God and one another.

Dive Deeper in Prayer and Sacred Scripture.

Expand Your Understanding with Symbolon®.

Nourish Your Marriage with Beloved®.

Explore Catholicism with Becoming Catholic.

Journey Forward with Adult Confirmation.


This is just a taste of what await men and women exploring

All Things Catholic.

Becoming Catholic

Becoming Catholic (also known as RCIA) is for adults considering full membership in the Catholic Church – including people seeking the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and/or Confirmation – and for those coming home to the Church from another faith.

You will need to complete a registration form and supply a copy of your birth certificate if you have never been baptized.

Click below to download the registration form  for adults seeking Baptism, Eucharist and/or Confirmation.



 Holly & Brandon Coco at 719-237-6205 (English)
Patricia Gonzalez  830-672-6291 (Spanish)

Please let us know what you are looking forward to: 

  • Exploring the beauty of my Catholic Faith

  • Enhancing my Prayer Life

  • Understanding Sacred Scripture

  • Finding Happiness in Marriage

  • Completing Adult Confirmation

  • Becoming Catholic (Baptism, Eucharist & Confirmation)

Printable on legal-size paper (8.5 x 14 inches).