Mass and Reconciliation Times
Mass at St. James
Saturday, 5:00 PM (English)
Sunday, 10:00 AM (English)
Monday, 6:30 AM
Tuesday, 6:30 AM
Wednesday, 5:30 PM
Thursday, 6:30 AM
Friday, 6:30 AM
Mass at St. Patrick
Sunday, 12:00 PM (Bi-Lingual)
Thursday, 6:00 PM (Bi-Lingual)
Mass at Sacred Heart
8:00 AM (Spanish)
5:00 PM (English)
St James: Saturday 4:00-4:45PM
St. Patrick: Thursday 5:00-5:45PM
St. James: Friday 7:00AM-7:00PM
St. Patrick: Thursday 5:00PM-5:45PM
~ See all scheduled activities on our Google Calendar ~
~ CCGAW Calendar ~
St. James
Sacred Heart
St. Patrick
~ Please direct all correspondences and inquiries to the parish office at St. James. ~
Our Mission
The St. James, Sacred Heart and St. Patrick communities - blessed with the love of the Father, through faith in Jesus Christ and with guidance from the Holy Spirit - will work together to form the united Catholic and apostolic Church committed to hospitality, stewardship and fellowship among diverse parishioners through religious education and a dedication to believing, living and sharing the word of God.
Our Symbol
Three circles come together, representing the three churches of our community. Overlapping but not completely overlaid means that even in our unity, we respect the individuality of each church and each person. Our Lord’s Cross is the core of our bond.
We are a Catholic Community blessed with great diversity - different cultures, languages, customs and ways of praying - held together by the love of God.